17 March 2022

Our web work

This document was drafted and agreed by the PCC in response to the March 12 CPGB members’ aggregate and was originally published in WW1387 as part of the aggregate report, which can be found here


We need to improve our approach to recruitment via the web. Undoubtedly, our websites and general use of social media need completely overhauling. Here, flair, imagination and even borrowing would help no end. Looking at the best that that is available, and not only in terms of our political opponents, but elsewhere, in society at large, and seeking to emulate and better the best would be a good approach.

Certainly introductory material, such as ‘about the CPGB’ audio and video recordings, reading lists, highlighting foundational texts, books, etc, would help draw people towards our ranks. More than that, though, website language, presentation and style all need a fresh approach.

While, of course, retaining our commitment to the print edition of the paper, we fully recognise the increasing importance of the online edition. However, for various reasons, the online archives of the Weekly Worker are incomplete, with large numbers of missing issues and articles in need of repair. Ongoing efforts to restore The Leninist and Weekly Worker archives need to be taken to completion by the end of 2022.

We should back up the current site/archives and pursue other steps to protect our ability to publish in case of cyberattack.

We shall continue to engage with the existing left both inside and outside the Labour Party. This strategic approach not only means attending, leafleting and intervening at various events – eg, national schools – and, as is our norm, reporting them in the paper. Where appropriate, we shall group together and publicise relevant web material. This would help sharpen, back up and give a substantial afterlife to our interventions. Such material could, for example, be presented in A4 pamphlet form (and therefore made available for printing off).

Clearly we do not fully utilise all of our web possibilities. Not only are there our websites, Twitter, Facebook, etc, but also the need to reorganise our impressive back catalogue. Promoting Online Communist Forums and Communist University needs a big push. ‘Earlier, wider and better’ should be the motto.

To take forward our web work we shall establish a dedicated cell with the general remit to radically upgrade, manage and regularly update (old, outdated, material sends out a very bad message).

This cell should regularly report to the PCC. It should also highlight ongoing progress and significant steps forward to our online discussion forum. Involvement of the wider membership is vital and that means informing, seeking feedback and allocating specific tasks. Aggregate reports and discussions are more than relevant here.

PCC resolution, March 13 2022


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