OCF video – ‘Israel-Palestine aflame: the Marxist response’ with Moshé Machover and Yassamine Mather

Moshé Machover, born in Tel Aviv in 1936, is a mathematician and socialist activist who has been active in and written extensively on Middle-Eastern politics. In 1962 he co-founded the Israeli socialist organisation Matzpen.

A collection of his essays on the Middle East, Israelis and Palestinians – Conflict and Resolution, is published by Haymarket Books. Moshé has also written extensively for the Weekly Worker on Israeli politics and the ‘anti-zionism = anti-semitism’ witch hunt in the Labour Party – his articles can be found here

For more Marxist analysis of Iran and the Middle East from Yassamine Mather, see her recent articles in the Weekly Worker here

Yassamine has previously addressed a meeting of Hands Off the People of Iran (HOPI), which was hosted by the Online Communist Forum, on the 50th anniversary of the Siakhal incident and 42nd anniversary of the Iranian Revolution – a recording is available on the CPGB Youtube channel