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The Leninist no.61
- As Early as Possible – As Late as Necessary Alec Long and Margaret Hickman
- The Gibraltar 3 (Statement) Jack Conrad, for The Leninist Editorial Board
- Editorial
- Letters (United Front; Moscow Trials; USSR; Sectarian)
- Danger Signals Ian Mahoney
- For workers in Britain and Iran … The Main Enemy is at Home! Alan Merrik
- Frontline Afghanistan
- Spread the militant spirit Ian Mahoney
- Reviews (Soviet Truths; Valuable Source)
- Solidarity: Turkey (Interview) Max Hirons, General Secretary of The Committee for Defence of Democratic Rights in Turkey
- Solidarity: South Africa Ian Mahoney
The Leninist no.62
- Health workers: A winning strategy Jack Conrad
- Editorial (Statement) The Leninist Extended Editorial Board
- Letters (Unflinching support; Class Approach; Vital Importance; Unsavory amalgam; SWP)
- Whose Big Union?
- Death and disintegration: CCG-type splits Ian Mahoney
- Re-establishing Revisionism Ian Farrell
- In Connolly’s footsteps (Interview) Jack Conrad and John Mitchell
- Reviews (Ireland’s Iskra?; CCG Jungle)
- No middle ground Jack Conrad
The Leninist no.63
- Editorial
- Letters (RCN Nurse; Criminal Libel; Thanks 1; Thanks 2; Protestant Workers; SWP NUT)
- A revolution betrayed Alan Merrik
- Marxist philosophy and revisionist theory Peter Clancy
- Labour leadership contest Ian Mahoney
- Reviews (Party or Congress?; “Dear diary…”)
- Class Struggle and Gay Rights Sean Quinn
The Leninist no.64
- Revolutions are not for sale Ian Mahoney
- Editorial
- Letters (Anarchy in the UK; Kim Philby; Sinn Fein; IRSP Reply)
- Shape of things to come Alec Long
- No short cuts Jack Conrad
- WORKERS POWER J McKee, For the Secretariat of MRCI (Workers Power)
- Give ’em enough rope … Alan Merrik
- Reviews (War and Peace; Revolutionary Solution)
- Down with Israel’s apologists! Alan Merrik
The Leninist no.65
- 19th Conference and the Ten Theses David Sherriff
- Editorial
- Letters (DAM Lies; Utter Crap; Irish ‘Iskra’; The Irish Struggle; Slip)
- Fightback with the UWC David Rhys, Secretary of the UWC
- Summer Offensive ’88 Alec Long
- Double dealers Alan Merrik
- CPB – fewer but not better Ian Mahoney
- PPPS – Star wars fiasco David Sherriff
- Reviews (Seeds of Division; Tumbledown)
- The Labour left: Part of the problem Ian Mahoney
- 1968 and the Tasks of Today (Supplement) Jack Conrad
- Unemployed ORGANISER No.2 (Insert)
The Leninist no.66
- South Africa: The revolution will be a blow against the bourgeoisie and Gorbachevite opportunism David Sherriff
- Editorial
- Letters (Reply; IRSP POWs; IFM; Evren’s Visit)
- In full swing: Summer Offensive ’88 Alec Long
- Palestine: Solidarity and communists in Britain Alan Merrik
- Proletarian internationalism and liberal sycophancy Alan Merrik
- UWC Lobby: Gathering strength Paul Pierce
- Reviews (British Kerensky; Gaza voices)
- No to Gorbachevism Jack Conrad
- National Chauvinism or International Socialism? (Supplement) Alan Merrik
The Leninist no.67
- Editorial
- Letters (Democratic Union; World Centre; Prisoners Aid; Oustanding; Worrying)
- Slack to take in … Ian Mahoney
- Troops out … when? Alan Merrik
- Raising the banner Gavin Kyle
- Reviews (NCP Mark II; Bolshevik Woman)
- War and peace (Interview) Organisation of Revolutionary Workers of Iran
- Victory to the South African Revolution! (Statement) Chile Democratico, Latin American Cultural Centre, Communist Party of Chile, Chilean Teachers in Exile (CHITEX), Left Revolutionary Movement (MIR), Chilean TUC – UK, Organisation of Revolutionary Workers of Iran (Rah e Kargar), The Leninist, Committee for the Defence of Democratic Rights in Turkey
- Unemployed ORGANISER No.3 (Insert)
The Leninist no.68
- For the IRA – Against the British Army Alan Merrik
- Editorial
- Letters (Yes to Gorbachev; Revolutionary purity; Benefit Social; Ireland’s ‘Iskra’)
- Fight for the Irish Freedom Alan Merrik
- An important achievement: important task Ian Mahoney
- The squalid death of municipal socialism Brent NALGO Leninist Supporters
- Reviews (From a spark … ?)
- Fighting with the UWC Ian Mahoney
- Some questions of the day (Supplement) Jack Conrad
The Leninist no.69
- No lead from the TUC
- Why the shift to the right? Jack Conrad
- Editorial
- Letters (Free State Oppression; Surprised; Individual Terror?; More Please; Style; Russian Questions)
- Hands Off Ireland! Founding Statement Hands Off Ireland!, Alan Merrik (Available in text format here as part of our ‘Reforging the CPGB’ series)
- Organising for Action!
- Art revolution (Interview) Tom Cormack
- Reviews (Old Fads; How not to fight)
- Brent: Huge potential Brent NALGO Leninist Supporters
The Leninist no.70
[Labour Party conference special]
- Leninism not Labourism Jack Conrad
- Editorial
- Unemployment: What it is and how to fight it Ian Mahoney
- Ireland – the cause of Labour? Alan Merrik
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